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Sunday 19 October 2014

The Power You Have...

Hi everyone, our weather doesn't know what to do here in the UK first it's sunny, then it's cloudy and threatening rain. Now it's sunny again... but you can feel a little cold air now...soon be winter. I would rather be somewhere with a hot climate, I'm not made for the cold brrr.

When we talk about the power we have inside us, we mean our power to manifest things. Like a little miracle, some people can do it with just one thought. Some can't do it at all, and some now and again.

We are so very powerful we create are future, with the thoughts from our minds! It doesn't bare thinking about what we could do if we open our minds to the power within us.

There are people that are psychic, and can read peoples minds, people with spiritual insight who know and can contact the ones that have past over. Now there are new teaching and technologies from around the world, from people already in the 'know'
Edgar Cayce said everyone was capable of being psychic, should we choose to learn.

The power within us goes beyond our imagination. You can see the power of the mind in people with
healing powers.
Meditation is said to increase our healing withing us for ourselves. But doing meditation alone is very hard to do. I have tried meditating for years, you just can't get rid of all those thought swirling in and out of your mind it never stops. Your mind is even thinking when you sleep! How are we supposed to get rest?
I found that hypnosis helps me, I have recordings from Steve G Jones you can click on this link here
for allsorts of other problems. But he has a meditation one now, so you can be into your meditation a lot sooner than you could on your own.
Just listening to the recordings put you into a relaxed calm state, then he talks to you and takes you into a deeper relaxing state. Never be frightened of hypnosis, from a professional like Steve, as you are never in a 'trance' your just deeply relaxed and your mind is being quiet for once. You are always in control, if you need to open your eyes and stop the program you can anytime!
I hope you will have a look at what Steve has to offer, he has more than 4,000 recordings to help people with their problems. Or just to relax you if you are stressed. Click on this link, you could be in a lovely relaxed state in know time the recordings are instant download, and there are some free for buying from his site. enjoy!
love and light and joy