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Sunday, 9 February 2014

Hi everyone, some days just get swallowed up don't they? And you wonder where the time went and where did that day go...

Never mind, today I will try to explain to those of you that do not already know what the Law Of Attraction bare with me.

The Law Of Attraction is, laws of the Universe. Law that must be obeyed at all times.

Most of us obey without knowing what they are, to such an extent that they become millionaires unbeknown to themselves why everything has fallen into place as it does.

Others have to learn the Law Of Attraction, to gain the tiniest amount of abundance.

Some people call it God and some the Universe, we can prey to the Universe to help us with things, as we Can prey to God for the same but we tend to ask for it differently when praying to God.

Some say you should never ask for abundance, money and it should only ever be brought into our lives through hard work...a lot of hard work

By utilising the Law Of Attraction, in different ways can manifest abundance in the form of untold wealth, health just about anything anyone would need to live a prosperous life.

Some of the Laws are to always think positive, and this can bring results.
Because to think negatively,can only bring you things you don't want. Including anything that can go bad in ones life.

On a brighter note the Law is to be 'Happy' so you think oh that's easy...but it's not that easy to always be happy every waking hour. But if we could life would be a breeze...

That's all for now but please follow my blog by putting your email in the box to the right. and you will be the first to receive my newsletter when it comes out in the near future when the Universe allows it lol.

Speak soon thanks for reading.

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