Books about the Law of Attraction you may like.


Wednesday, 19 February 2014

my news letter...

Hi everyone, I have been so busy with the news letter... The news letter will have more tips and more...deeper meaning than there is on here.

Whats your weather like today? we have a sunny day for a change we've had so much rain lately.
I feel really sorry for all those people down the south of England who's homes are under water, what a terrible time for heart goes out to you all. I hope the government comes up with a great plan to help you get back to your lovely homes.

Today I would like to talk about your abundance.

  • How do you define abundance? A lot of people think about money, or a lover or a great relationship, you may want a nice car or a new house...but you have to decide what it is you want, write it down in a nice note book and read it over and over until you get those pictures in your mind.

  • What is your biggest dream in life that seems to be just out of reach, but you believe it will happen...a kind of gut feeling, something that is missing from your life that would make it better...for all concerned.

  • What has happened in your life that you remember was a happy place makes you smile when to think of it. What would make your life a happier and brighter place? Keep those feelings as you write in your book. It helps when you write every little detail, then you surely know what it is you want

When you have decided what abundance means for you, and you have a wonderful picture in your minds eye, then that is what you have to concentrate on, think of it every waking minute burn it into your thoughts.

When you can visualise the perfect image, keep positive about it, and eventually you will begin to feel a sort of power. Then you know your on the right track, do not let any negativity in ...only good positive thought are allowed from now on.

You will begin to feel renewed all your actions, emotions and thoughts will be centred on attracting

the abundance that your heart and mind desires. 

You will feel more at peace with yourself and those around you. Let yourself feel the vibrational match that will tell the universe what it is you desire, both peace and power attract. Follow the exercise you have just read. Do this in a quiet place for a few minutes , and see what happens .

I will be very interested in what you think of this exercise...and more importantly what abundance you received. Leave a comment below, and if it needs a reply I will reply .

until next time thanks for reading... love and light

Veronica x

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Hello to you all, thank you so much for reading my blog.

Today I would like to talk about faith, if you sit still for a minute and just be quiet...isn't that peace heaven!

Do you believe in God?  Do you believe in the Universe?  Do you think there is a higher power than ourselves?

Whatever you believe even if you have a little teeny weeny, tiny smidgen of faith  that may be all you need to be on the right track, the right road to your destiny .

No-matter what you call it, as long as you believe in something, then you have hope. Hope of a better life? a new car? even a nice meal...we think of these things and they appear. (sometimes)
Well a lot of the time.

 What I'm trying to say is we matter in this world, we need to believe we can better ourselves, get good grades so we can have a better job...that would lead to more money, and hopefully a happier life.

I say hopefully because, not everyone is happier with more money. You can have a million pounds in the bank and a gorgeous mansion, but if you have no-one to share it with it won't bring you the happiness you've been looking for, you would still be lonely.

People don't even speak to their next door neighbours anymore, That's wonder some people feel so alone, like no-one cares about another human being. Where has the love gone?

I think a lot of people have lost their way in life. The more I see our churches closing down, well It's just heartbreaking. When people seem to have lost all faith, the only time we seem to go to church now is if we are going to a wedding, christening or a funeral. Admittedly when my children were small we all went to church then.

I believe the true people, that either believe in God or the Law Of Attraction, or a higher power...the ones that are trying to teach people about belief, not just me, there are a lot of other people too. I believe we have a job to do, to re-teach the Laws Of The Universe. To bring the love back to the world, to bring love back to not just the people but the way we love and care about our fellow men and woman.
To love our planet again, but it all starts with believing and loving our Higher Power whatever you want to call it.
Let me know what you think, please be nice, I know reading this it could get your back up, I'm not here to hurt anyone many people still have faith, I would appreciate your comments. I will answer all. many thanks.
speak to you soon

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Hi everyone, some days just get swallowed up don't they? And you wonder where the time went and where did that day go...

Never mind, today I will try to explain to those of you that do not already know what the Law Of Attraction bare with me.

The Law Of Attraction is, laws of the Universe. Law that must be obeyed at all times.

Most of us obey without knowing what they are, to such an extent that they become millionaires unbeknown to themselves why everything has fallen into place as it does.

Others have to learn the Law Of Attraction, to gain the tiniest amount of abundance.

Some people call it God and some the Universe, we can prey to the Universe to help us with things, as we Can prey to God for the same but we tend to ask for it differently when praying to God.

Some say you should never ask for abundance, money and it should only ever be brought into our lives through hard work...a lot of hard work

By utilising the Law Of Attraction, in different ways can manifest abundance in the form of untold wealth, health just about anything anyone would need to live a prosperous life.

Some of the Laws are to always think positive, and this can bring results.
Because to think negatively,can only bring you things you don't want. Including anything that can go bad in ones life.

On a brighter note the Law is to be 'Happy' so you think oh that's easy...but it's not that easy to always be happy every waking hour. But if we could life would be a breeze...

That's all for now but please follow my blog by putting your email in the box to the right. and you will be the first to receive my newsletter when it comes out in the near future when the Universe allows it lol.

Speak soon thanks for reading.

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Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Different ways that you can follow the L.O.A.

Hello to you all, I hope all is well with you.

In the near future I hope to bring you different ways to use the LOA.

What is the Law Of  Attraction

Your Faith.

What we need to do everyday .

Grattitude...goes without saying. But some may not know about it.

The allowing, don't rush it.

Your tithing .

I know this may seem a bit vague to you now, but keep looking to see what the next post is.

So the 1st one I will talk about is What is the Law Of Attraction, I like to go back to basics as we sometimes forget what it's all about.

Speak to you tomorrow...have a great day


Sunday, 2 February 2014

 Hi it's Sunday happy Sunday. The suns been out to day for a change still cold though.

It's hard sometimes to keep your thoughts on the positive if your not in that positive mood, not only that if you are in a positive mood I hope your company is.

Other peoples vibrations can rub off on i'm a sponge for peoples vibes I soak then up and make the other people feel good and it put me on a downer for a while. But me being me, you pick yourself up again and carry on.

Say someone in the house is in a bad mood it makes the whole house seem like everyone's stepping on eggshells...I think that a time to go for a walk so I don't get those vibes.

We have to think nice good things to get our vibrations up and back to the positive.

So make it a happy Sunday and go with the flow.

see you soon
remember you can leave any comments nice thanks.