Books about the Law of Attraction you may like.


Monday, 24 March 2014

Hi I hope your all very well today and flowing along enjoying your day.

 I want to ask you if you know when your in the flow? Are you getting all that your asking for? ...or maybe your not getting anything. If you are not getting those wonderful things your asking for, be-it a loving relationship, a lovely dinner, or a gorgeous new car do you 'know' when your 'in the flow' or how to get there.?

A simple way to put you in the flow is appreciation, If you appreciate the relationship you already have, the lovely dinner you had last night, and your old faithful car that gets you from A to B.

This will without a doubt put you in the flow, of the river of life what ever you want to call it, the wonderful universe of life, for the greatest good for all concerned. The Law of Attraction will answer you.

Getting into the flow can be easier than you think, try writing down your appreciation, buy a little book a note pad to keep your list of everything in your life you appreciate, even your new comfortable shoes...or your very old comfortable shoes... lets get into the flow. you can leave me a comment to tell me and the world how the law of attraction is working for you, and if you do...that's appreciation too so you will be even more in the flow...have fun with it. talk to you soon.

Monday, 17 March 2014

The Wonder of the Universe...

Hello this is just a thought of mine, you may agree you may goes;

Er I might getting a bit deep here anyway here goes, if thought manifests into things and thoughts are wave patterns in the universe,and plasmas are the subatomic particles of the universe is this the thinking stuff that we think with? I believe we are a part of a much bigger thing, not quite sure what it is yet but it all seems to connect in some way or other. It's the Universe that is this were we go when we leave our bodies after so called death. Scientist now know there is more than the death experience...So what happens next?

I have just watched a brilliant video on Google + about the universe, it does make you think a lot about it. There's some great shots of the universe too, if you would like to watch it go to the link below.
please leave me your comments thanks.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Happy days...

Good morning what a lovely day, it just makes you feel more alive when you see the sun doesn't it?

Have you got a little book that you write your asking the Universe for things in it? No? well try this...

You need to have 2 books really,and when you go to buy these books look at them and feel them, (may sound a bit funny but...) fell them to see if you connect. I love writing in my books.

One will be labelled "Ask For What You Want From The Universe" and the other one will be labelled " My Gratitude Book For What I Receive From The Universe"

It is said by the laws, and it is a 'law of the Universe' or your 'higher self', or 'God' even. That whatever you ask for it will be given.
And sometimes people ask for things they don't want, without really understanding why it came to them. It all comes about with what you think. So be careful what you think. Try and stay positive. I will go deeper into this on another post, but for now, back to your lovely book.

Asking, so you have your book you feel will be nice to write in. When you ask for something you need to write at the top of the page 'For The Good Of All Concerned' you need to think if you get what you want, how will it affect the people that are around you, the people you love.

Sit and think to yourself what is it that you really want at this time in your life? Like... I love my boyfriend, but I'd love him more if when he stayed he didn't snore so much and keep me awake all night when I have to be up early for work! well if it's that that you want you should ask for it.
It can be a small thing, like I hope I can have steak for dinner (well not everyone can afford it these days)
Or it can be a bigger bolder thing like a new car, a new house, It can be whatever you want it to be. Believe in what you are asking for. I hope you get all the abundance you wish for.

It's what your abundance means to you!  Are you getting it now?

So you ask nicely in your book of asking. Then you give it up to the Universe, by that I mean, we have done our work now the asking. That's when the Universe will decide when it's coming to you. That's right we can not decide that part. But the Universe always hears you. So don't think to much about it now, but stay positive and expect it to come to you.

Then you can go to your other little book your Gratitude Book, and write in that one just how grateful you are for all the abundance you have around you.

You have your life ,your health, the nice comfy home you live in, some people do not have these things. You can be grateful for this lovely sunny day, or the lovely tasting dinner you had yesterday.
Just like your asking, you can do your thanking the Universe for all the abundance you have, because all the things around you began with a thought. And that thought went to the Universe and as if by, like magic, it appeared right before your eyes. How wonderful is that?

Please leave me your comments below thanks (be nice)
speak to you soon

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Good morning, hope you are all very well today.

Last post we talked about your abundance, I hope you all got what you wanted?

This post I would like to share with you, why things don't come to you when you have tried with all your might...for all your worth for the things you want to come to you.

The Universe will send things to you when you are ready to receive those things. You can read that again please. thank you.

If you have to wait a year or more, don't worry, you have asked and by the law of will come...
eventually. Patience is a virtue here.

Say you were late for work, and you missed the bus. You were worried that you were late, your boss was going to go mad at you for being late, and he was going to dock your wages if you were late.

So later in the day you realize that some accident happened right at the time you were supposed to be on that bus, you could have been seriously injured or worse...

The point I am trying to make is the Universe or God looks after us, yes and even you! He would not let you come to harm, the Universe is there to protect you. And that's why you had to be late that day. So you were kept safe.

And, that's why, if your waiting for something to come to you, that you have ordered from the Universe and by the law of attraction it has to come to you. Ask and it is given is one of the laws (even if it's something you don't want)...If the timing is right, If your not holding it up by not believing that it will come to you. Your emotions play a big part in everything to do with asking and receiving things. If everything is in place as it should be...the Universe will send you what you want.

But if it's not ,and the timing is not right for you, the universe will not send it. That is for your own good, as we have seen by being late in the above paragraph. The Universe will only send you what you want when the time is right...and who are we to argue with the universe?

Until next time keep safe
