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Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Going with the flow...

The river of life? whats that you say?
Call it the river of consciousness, a flowing stream. When everything is going well for you, you must be in the flow so to speak.
If things are going really bad for you or you just don't feel good that day, you must be out of alignment with the flow the river the stream whatever you want to call it.
Going with the flow is working towards your vibrational escrow, towards all those things you have asked for that are not coming because you hold yourself out of alignment.
Going down stream with the flow is much easier, here you will find no conflict, just a flow, and when you do stay there. Feeling good looking forward, towards bettering your life, with things that are for the greater good for all concerned. Look at the bigger picture too.
So if you find yourself going upstream and your struggling with your feelings, things in general in your daily life, stop for a moment and search yourself for a better feeling thought to make yourself feel better. This way you are turning around and going towards the downstream the flow, don't get angry with yourself for feeling angry we all do at some point. But just turn yourself around, and get back to the flow of feeling good about yourself take a nice relaxing bath do something nice to make yourself calm and feel good.   
Put a smile on your face, go-on force yourself have  some " me  time" pamper yourself you deserve it feel the joy always :-)

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Control of others?

Hi reading about abundance this morning made me think about other people and how they act and feel.

If someone is in a bad mood I would do my best to get them out of that mood and be happy, if I have such a person around me I seem to soak up their emotions like a sponge and it drains me (I must be an em path) i will do my utmost to help them, but not knowingly sabotage my own happiness or happy feeling or mood.

The fact is you can not and should not even want to control how another person feels.

You should be concentrating on how you feel, to bring yourself into vibrational alignment with who you really are.
This should be the easy part, and it would be for me, if I could get away from other people feelings. Looks to me as though I will have a bit of a fight on my hands with myself.
And if everyone is to be in control of their own feelings to feel the joy of living this spiritual experience in this human body we should have a lot of happy people going around happy to be alive...but we don't do we? There's a lot of unhappy people in the world, and a lot of suffering.
But hey ho... I will still keep trying to disconnect my feelings from others and live a joyous happy healthy life.
How do you cope with your feelings? can you control your own feelings and feel the joy?

Monday, 29 August 2011

Abundance - LOA

Hello welcome to my blog, I love anything about spirituality or Law Of Attraction.
But do you? There's so much about it on the Internet, are we to believe everything? Does tapping bring you abundance?
I signed up to a tapping session for free, and I was amazed at the effect it had on me. So is it true or is it some clever technique to get people to join these things... do feel free to leave me your comments.

I like to believe I am a spiritual person,a lot more than my friends, I think they think I can be a bit wacky at times.
I love reading about the law of attraction, and I do believe it works to some degree. I have followed a few people and bought a few books on the subject.
Sometimes it has worked for me, and sometimes it's been very frustrating to want something that is always out of reach. Guess I will have to start all over again writing down the things I want. Thinking about it if I really needed those things don't you think they would have come to me? Or do I really need them I can live without the nice car I had my eye on, which I thought I needed. It wasnt a new car  I didn't ask for a new car but still it didn't come to me so I will forget about it now and move onto something else.
What is abundace anyway? To me it's about having a great family around you, good friends, feeling love from people your partner if you have one. We can not live without money, so it must come into it somewhere. Makes you wonder how other people seem to get everything, are they any different from me or you?
If you have any ideas you can leave me your comment below thank you (as long as doesn't cost me)
Thanks for reading.